Have you met Rosa from Sunshine State Of Mind Yoga? I recently interviewed her about her yoga classes offered here in Rowville at the FHF Gym. Mel: Hi Rosa, tell us more about your yoga classes - what style of yoga do you teach?
Rosa: Hi Mel! I love teaching Vinyasa Flow yoga classes. Vinyasa is a term used to describe continuous or dynamic movements between yoga poses. Our classes are always planned around an intention. When you arrive you are welcome to grab a cup of herbal tea and begin to slow down and relax a little. We begin with a short meditation in some sort of stillness, to settle into the space, our body and reconnect with ourselves, our breath and our emotions. We then start to warm up the body moving a little more slowly to start. As we warm up we stay closer to the mat with our bodies. For example we may start lying down and warm up in a reclined position. We may then move to our sitting poses and poses that are done on knees, toes and wrists. Our warm up will then transfer into standing poses. We then start to speed this up a little more as we start to move and flow through a sequence of yoga poses, including some balancing poses. Our flows change each class and are made up of a variety of asanas (yoga poses). We then slow down our movements once again, moving our bodies closer and closer towards the mat to finish in a lying down position for our Shavasana. Our energetic and uplifting class will be sure to get you working up a sweat and get your heart rate pumping. Vinyasa can also help increase flexibility, strength, stability, calmness and focus. Our yoga classes run for 60 minutes. I also teach yoga to children, couples and families. I have held children’s and family yoga classes in the school holidays. I look forward to implementing these classes in my timetable for 2024. I teach one on one yoga, small group, large group and mobile yoga classes, where I teach small groups and private groups in environments such as workplaces, schools, kindergartens and childcare centres. Mel: Where is your yoga studio located? Rosa: We are so lucky to be located in the yoga studio at Future Health and Fitness Gym (FHF) Rowville at 6 Laser Drive. Mel: How long have you been teaching yoga? Have you always been based at FHF Gym? Rosa: I have been teaching since the very beginning of my Yoga Teaching Training. I began this journey in November 2022. Every Saturday we had to teach a part of yoga class for the duration of our yoga teacher training. I love everything about teaching and have also been teaching primary school students for eleven years. No, I haven't always been based at FHF. I started teaching my own yoga workshops and yoga classes in a space in Rowville that I hired weekly. I have also taught yoga at two gyms not too far from Rowville. None of them are as special as teaching yogis in your very own space. I also teach mobile yoga, so for private bookings I travel to you! Mel: What inspired you to become a yoga teacher? What do you love about yoga? Rosa: It’s a special time just for me without any other distractions, to do lists, being needed and a time away from the whirlwind of life. Recalibrates my nervous system and releases everything I have been carrying on my mind that day and beyond. It returns my mind and body to a place of calm and physically creates space in my body and creates space in my mind. Yoga returns me to my little light that is always within me but is too caught up in every day life to shine kindness on others. Yoga creates a sense of ease and clarity and almost massages and soothes tension that I am carrying. It allows me to reground myself and reminds me to check in with how I am feeling. Yoga helps me be less reactive to stressors that arise all throughout the day. It's a reminder to slow down, fill my cup, to cultivate self love and feel worthy of that ‘ME’ time. It’s my time to listen to my own thoughts, listen to my body, a time to move my body and time to find stillness. A time to escape the whirlwind of life and reconnect me with my calm centre. A time to consciously feel my breathing. Yoga becomes a way of life. Once you practice it you start to sprinkle it in your daily life off your mat. You start to implement poses and breathwork depending on what you need and how you feel. Your body calls for what it needs. Turns all of my focus and awareness to the present and everything else just fades away. I catch myself more and more in the present moment in my daily life whereas before I was always in the past or future. It’s a work in and a work out. As I mentioned previously, my passion has always been teaching. I have had an interest in practicing yoga since I was a teenager. I always remember the feeling after having been to a yoga class, it’s something quite special. My husband and I took up yoga together before we got married and before having children. I practiced yoga up until I was heavily pregnant. Then yoga started to slip away from my life after having our first born. It is quite sad to think that when I needed yoga the most I just didn’t make space for my yoga practice. There was also never a space that catered for parents and moving children (toddlers). We then had two children and after quite some time I began to make time for self care for myself and I began to practice yoga again. The difference in my overall health was just a stand out. As a joke I would always say when I grow up I want to be a yoga teacher so I decided to undertake the training. I had to find a course that suited our lifestyle and keeping in mind that I had two children at home with me, a 2 and 4 year old. All of that aside I am so grateful I have the opportunity to share my love for yoga with others. I love sharing these ancient tools and techniques: including yoga poses, breath work, mindfulness, mantras, sounds and meditation to pass onto others, so that they can then implement them in their daily life and be a better version of themselves in the whirlwind of life and to help them return to their calm centre. I have also been motivated to stay active, exercise and eat healthily. I enjoy trying out and learning about different ways to be the best version of yourself for yourself but also for your loved ones. I also love practicing and learning about gratitude, empathy, mindfulness, meditation and breathwork. Yoga is all of these things that I love doing, all rolled into one practice. All of these things have inspired me to become a yoga teacher. Having children of my own, being a primary school teacher and my passion for sharing yoga with others, inspired me to do some extra training this year. This training was to further my skills in yoga as a whole as well as learn more about teaching yoga to children, couples and families. Mel: What is your class timetable like? Do classes run daily? Rosa: At this current point in time yoga classes run on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, with the potential to run more classes at different times throughout the day in the near future. Monday: 9.45am, Child Friendly Flow Yoga, 45 mins Monday: 10.30am, Pre Primary Kids Yoga, 30 mins Tuesday: 4.15pm, Primary Kids Yoga, 40mins Tuesday: 5.15pm, Flow Yoga, 60 mins Thursday: 7.30pm, Flow Yoga, 60 mins Saturday: 9.30am, Flow Yoga, 60 mins Child friendly yoga flow: This class is for parents or carers who have children that are still babies and or are not babies any more (children that move). Classes are also available for people who do not have children but they need to keep in mind that there may be little people present in the class. Our ‘child friendly’ yoga flow class is a light- hearted, anything goes, no judgment sort of yoga class to join in on for many reasons. Enjoy a warm tea, not boiling for safety reasons. Make connections and socialise with other Mummas and carers. Come for the calming aromas that fill the room. Escape the cold in our toasty warm space. We may not be practicing in absolute silence BUT we are gaining tools to practice at home and use in our everyday life when things start to get a little out of control. These tools can be used to calm our nervous systems, our minds and our bodies. We are also gaining the benefits from the many different poses we practice during our flows. We are tapping into and calming our parasympathetic nervous system through our pranayama practices, our breath work. These breathing practices can also be implemented throughout our busy days to reground us but to also help us stay calm in times of absolute chaos. During those challenging times, it’s when the real yoga happens within us. A children’s play corner is offered during this class. School holidays: family yoga and yoga for children Weekly yoga classes for children: Pre primary yoga classes Primary age yoga classes Teens can join adult yoga classes for a reduced cost. Yoga Workshops: I have also run yoga workshops that run for approximately 90 mins. I look forward to teaching more workshops in 2024. Retreats: Also coming in 2024 is our first yoga retreat. More details to come! One on one yoga: I also teach yoga one on one. Some people want to slow things down at the beginning of their yoga journey to practice their alignment in yoga poses. One on one yoga can be really beneficial for this. Private groups: I also teach small groups and private groups in environments such as workplaces, schools, kindergartens and childcare centres. Mel: Who are your classes most suitable for? Do you run beginner and advanced classes? Rosa: Our classes are suitable for all ability levels as well as beginners. What I love about yoga is that there are always alternative poses, modifications, easier options and more challenging options with every single yoga pose. Mel: If someone with pain or limited mobility wanted to join your class, would it be appropriate for them? Rosa: I read this saying once, “If you can breathe, you can do yoga.” Everyone can do yoga. Yoga is suitable for everyone. Yoga is known to decrease pain and increase mobility. Also what I love about yoga is that we can use yoga props to assist with pain and mobility. We use yoga blocks to help support us in yoga. Props are not a weakness but to support us and enhance our practice. Yoga can even be done sitting in a chair and or using a chair or wall to support us. Mel: We hear a lot "I'm not flexible enough to do yoga!" What do you think about that? Is it important to already be flexible before starting yoga? Rosa: I hear this all of the time. You have to start somewhere with everything. Whether it be your flexibility, strength, healthier food choices and so on. Yoga will increase your flexibility but yoga is so much more than that. I always say to people, yoga is not about touching your toes, it’s all about what you learn about yourself during your journey. All our bodies are different from one another’s as well as day to day. On some days you may not be able to lift as much weight as the day before, or run as far, or stretch as deep as yesterday but your yoga practice is all about honouring where you are physically, emotionally in that very moment. Yoga is also about connecting with yourself and drawing all of your attention just to YOU. It's not competitive therefore we don’t compare ourselves to others around us, our gaze is always towards ourself and our own mat. It's about what the pose feels like not looks like. Mel: How many people are in a typical class with you? Is it a big group, or a smaller class? Rosa: At this current time, our yoga classes are smaller in numbers than other studios in our area. This way I can really focus on each individual and offer modifications to cater for different abilities. Mel: Do you provide the yoga equipment? What might a student need to bring to a class with you? Rosa: Some yogis like to bring their own mat and block/s. There are mats, blankets and blocks available to use in our space. Just bring a water bottle. Filtered water is available in the gym if you need a refill. There’s always tea available to drink. Mel: Do people need to be a member of FHF Gym to access your classes? Rosa: Our yoga classes are available for everyone! Non members and members of FHF. Mel: Tell us more about booking for a class - how much is it to join a class, do you offer class passes, and how does a student book into your class? Rosa: It’s $15 for your first class. After that, a five class pass is $110. Brings each class to $22. Casual drop in class is $25. You can book in by calling or sending a text to me on, 0422 788 017. You can also message me on Facebook or Instagram. FB: Sunshine State of Mind Yoga https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100092499735987 Instagram: @ssom.yoga Bookings are essential. Mel: Do you often receive Myotherapy or Remedial Massage yourself? Rosa: Absolutely love remedial massage. Helps immensely with a range of aches and pains. Mel: Are your classes suitable for someone recovering from injury or living with a chronic pain condition? Rosa: Definitely suitable. Yoga can decrease chronic pain and I feel along with our movement and breath we can heal and soften those darkest parts within our body. With injury and pain, we would always support those areas using yoga props and also provide modifications and alternatives during our yoga practice. Yoga can sometimes feel uncomfortable for everyone including myself but we need to ensure we adjust our bodies in different poses to not feel pain. I will always guide you through your practice to assist with this. Mel: Is there anything else you'd love our patients to know about you or your classes? Rosa: I think that Yoga is sometimes misunderstood. I like to think of yoga as a moving meditation. There are thousands of benefits that you can receive from practicing yoga. Yoga literally means to yoke and to unite. Yoga is to create union between the mind, body and spirit. Yoga can be challenging both physically and mentally, yet so soothing. Yoga can mean something different to everybody that rolls out their mat. Find us on Facebook: Sunshine State of Mind Yoga, https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100092499735987 Find us on Instagram: @ssom.yoga Call or text me Rosa on 0422 788 017 for any queries or bookings. Comments are closed.
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