What is Injury Prevention?
Some people are at a higher risk of injury in their day to day lives. This can be people who:
Preventing injuries simply makes sense. If you're in a higher risk situation, regular treatment to keep your muscles and joints happy and healthy lowers your risk of getting an injury that could have been avoided.
- have very physically demanding jobs - like builders, plumbers, cleaners, etc
- do repetitive tasks or actions each day - like typing, talking on the phone, texting
- spend most of their time sitting down - driving, at a desk, on the couch, at the dinner table
- want to begin a new exercise routine or start an activity that uses muscles they don't normally use
- play competitive sports or have a busy exercise routine
- have existing injuries or weakened joints from previous injuries
- have young children to pick up, put down, carry and feed
- have particular conditions - like connective tissues disorders like Ehlers Danlos Syndrome that changes joint mobility and proprioception and can mean rolling an ankle or dislocating a joint are much more likely
Preventing injuries simply makes sense. If you're in a higher risk situation, regular treatment to keep your muscles and joints happy and healthy lowers your risk of getting an injury that could have been avoided.
What kinds of treatments help prevent injuries?
An Injury Prevention treatment can actually be a wonderfully feel good treatment with a combination of Remedial Massage techniques, cupping and stretching. Other techniques can be used as needed, but generally Injury Prevention treatments are looking at tired, fatigued muscles not injured ones. Its a great chance to unwind, have overactive muscle areas treated before they become problematic, and keep joints moving nicely.
If you start to notice any pain throughout your day to day activities, let me know and we can discuss some modifications to your movements, or look at a stretch and strengthen program that will help you avoid that pain from turning into an injury.
If you start to notice any pain throughout your day to day activities, let me know and we can discuss some modifications to your movements, or look at a stretch and strengthen program that will help you avoid that pain from turning into an injury.
Get your treatment plan started!
Lets start with your Initial Consultation and Treatment.
A typical Injury Prevention treatment plan really depends on you and what sorts of activities you put your body through, but most people I see for this usually come in once every 2-8 weeks.
If you're a tradie or a body builder at the gym 6-7 days a week pushing heavy weights, you will probably love a fortnightly treatment to keep your muscles at their best.
If you have an old injury that niggles away occasionally, a monthly tune up might be just what you need to keep it in check.
If you're a busy mum or dad with a little one, you might book in every 4-6 weeks for some much needed down time.
We want to find the "sweet spot" that works well for you, where its not too long between treatments that symptoms or pain creeps in, and where you're not having to come back more frequently than you need to.
A typical Injury Prevention treatment plan really depends on you and what sorts of activities you put your body through, but most people I see for this usually come in once every 2-8 weeks.
If you're a tradie or a body builder at the gym 6-7 days a week pushing heavy weights, you will probably love a fortnightly treatment to keep your muscles at their best.
If you have an old injury that niggles away occasionally, a monthly tune up might be just what you need to keep it in check.
If you're a busy mum or dad with a little one, you might book in every 4-6 weeks for some much needed down time.
We want to find the "sweet spot" that works well for you, where its not too long between treatments that symptoms or pain creeps in, and where you're not having to come back more frequently than you need to.
See what others have to say
"After having severe issues with neck strains and hamstring cramping I decided to pop in and get myself fixed up. Mel had a gentle, soothing approach to mending those muscles, being able to alleviate my issues with no residual pain after the treatment made it an absolute wonder. I was even straight back into my training regime the next day.
Highly recommended for all those involved in high impact sports like myself. Mixed Martial Arts inflicts enough pain - it's nice to have a physical therapist who takes the effort to ensure she doesn't inflict any extra." Nick
"After trying lots of different massage therapists, Mel by far was the best. I have regular treatments and always walk away feeling great and like money was well spent. Mel always makes you feel welcome and comfortable. She cares about all her patients and their individual needs." Cassie
"I have been having regular monthly appointments with Mel for over a year now and it's been one of the best health commitments that I have done for myself." Joe (posted as a Facebook review by his wife, Kim)
Highly recommended for all those involved in high impact sports like myself. Mixed Martial Arts inflicts enough pain - it's nice to have a physical therapist who takes the effort to ensure she doesn't inflict any extra." Nick
"After trying lots of different massage therapists, Mel by far was the best. I have regular treatments and always walk away feeling great and like money was well spent. Mel always makes you feel welcome and comfortable. She cares about all her patients and their individual needs." Cassie
"I have been having regular monthly appointments with Mel for over a year now and it's been one of the best health commitments that I have done for myself." Joe (posted as a Facebook review by his wife, Kim)