By Megan Cornish, Pre/Post Natal Myotherapist Calling all my pregnant ladies! Have you found yourself at some point during your pregnancy rubbing your hand over sore muscles and/or joints? Or maybe you find yourself asking your partner for a back rub? Anything to get some relief, right!? Have you ever longed for a relaxing pregnancy massage but then right after caught yourself wondering if it's even safe for you and bubba? In my experience this is the biggest concern holding women back from experiencing rest and relief from musculoskeletal symptoms associated with pregnancy. And that’s what this blog aims to change! My goal is to educate expecting mama's on pregnancy massage and the industry secrets so that by the end of this blog any worry or anxieties about whether or not pregnancy massage is right for you are gone. So let's dive in! When is pregnancy massage safe and when is it not safe? Pregnancy massage is a relaxing and safe way to effectively loosen muscles and ease discomfort that may present itself at some point throughout your pregnancy. And it is safe for the majority of pregnant women. In saying that, there are certain conditions your treating practitioner must be aware of and take the appropriate precautions to ensure your safety. What conditions would need to be treated with caution? ‘High risk pregnancies’ are definitely treated with caution and would usually require a medical clearance from your obstetrician or GP before commencing hands on treatment. For example, if you are pregnant and have diabetes or high blood pressure, if you have a heart condition, if you’re pregnant with twins or triplets or if you are in a certain age bracket (over 35 or younger than 17) ect you may fall into the criteria for a high risk pregnancy which just means that there could be a higher than normal chance of encountering potential complications. There may also be medical conditions or pregnancy symptoms unrelated to high risk pregnancies that your therapist will discuss with you prior to your treatment or massage to clear you for safe treatment. This could be morning sickness through to fatigue which are generally considered “normal” pregnancy experiences and it would be considered a precautionary “yellow flag” and safe to proceed with treatment. If you were pregnant and already had a medical condition such as Asthma or IBS this would also be considered a yellow flag and treatment would again be able to continue safely. Is there ever a situation where it would be unsafe to proceed with treatment? There are not many cases where treatment would be completely unsafe to go ahead, but in saying that there are certain concerning symptoms that your therapist may consider a complete contraindication and treatment would not be safe to proceed with. This could be if you were experiencing abdominal pain or bleeding this would be a “red flag” and treatment would not be safe until you have been medically cleared and immediate medical attention is advised. What precautions will my practitioner take to ensure Mumma and Bubs stay safe throughout the treatment? Are there certain regions my therapist can’t treat while I'm pregnant? All regions are safe to be treated while pregnant however there are certain regions your therapist must treat carefully. Although your abdomen and legs are able to be treated, deep pressure is avoided around these regions so your therapist would use light massage techniques to ensure you stay safe and comfortable throughout the treatment. There are also certain pressure points on the feet that your therapist will avoid using deep pressure on or around - this is due to an eastern medicine theory (reflexology) that these points can potentially induce labor however there are actually no definitive studies to prove this theory as of yet. Regardless, your therapist will keep this in mind to make sure that you and bubs stay as safe as possible! What about positions throughout the treatment? Are there certain ways I shouldn't be lying? Please do not worry about crushing bubba! Pregnancy pillows are fantastic at allowing you to safely lie on your front whilst making sure that baby is also comfortable! Obviously as you progress through your pregnancy and as the baby grows bigger the pregnancy pillow may not be able to provide optimal comfort anymore so this is when we like to treat you on your side. Being on your side is very safe at any stage of pregnancy. We understand that its often recommended by doctors to lay primarily on the left side for optimal bloodflow, but want to reassure you that spending time on your right side throughout your treatment is safe. It may even be possible to have you lay for a short time on your back, if that is needed to treat the areas that you're experiencing pain. We will always safely position you to make sure we can target those painful spots without making you or bub uncomfortable. I’m 38 weeks +, Is it too late to get treated? It's never too late! It is generally still safe to treat you even if you are past your due date or above that 38 week mark. If you are overdue or above 38 weeks and are considered a high risk pregnancy your therapist might ask you for medical clearance prior to treatment however as long as your therapist is looking out for those red flags/ yellow flags as mentioned above and is taking into account any medical conditions then you are in good hands! And once you reach that 38+ week mark, we know you're going to be feeling in need of some TLC! Pregnancy massage is a low risk and safe way to effectively manage those pesky muscle aches and joint pains that come with creating a life. But just because musculoskeletal aches and pains are considered a ‘normal’ experience of many women throughout their pregnancy doesn't mean you have to just ‘put up with it’. I hope that this blog clears up a few things and you are now armed with the information you need to make an informed decision about whether or not pregnancy massage is safe for you. If you are still unsure or have any doubts you can always check in with your doctor or OBGYN to get that confidence you need to book in for a massage and start receiving that pain relief that you deserve! Simple Wellness Myotherapy is located at Shop 12B/150 Kelletts Rd, Rowville VIC 3178. Additionally, you can contact us on (03) 8204 0970 to arrange an appointment today. |
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